Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Well I'm sitting here in podcasting and i'm kinda borededed....I had this really awesome poem I was gonna put on here that I wrote but now I can't find it. That's kinda depressing...There's this really great guy here at upward bound that I really like. He's sweet and nice and smart and cute and even religous. He's totally awesomeness. Plus he's on my greek team. But I don't know if he likes me back or not...Lol now he's even calling me Halle Berry because he says that she's totally gorgeous and beautiful and that apparently I look like her...I really don't know what to do about him...I'm so confusededed...I really wanna know whats gonna happen with him and whether he likes me back or not!!! ahhh!!!! I can't tell his name cause I'm afraid he'd find out somehow...But if you know me well then you know who he is. I just have no clue what to do! someone help! Give me some advice or something already!!!


  1. I'm here for you 100%! You know how select person's of the male presasion act? They can't help that they are charming, smooth, and at time irresistable. My advice for you is to gather all that you own, and move to a far away land where you don't have to grow up...bet that peter can help you, if you change you name to Wendy. Just kidding. My real advice is to obtain some drugs from that prositute named Harley...I hear she has the best stuff, and go make a huge glass of "koolaid." Then you need to go offer that stuff to him, make sure that you don't offer it to Billy, cause he is still desparate for Alye. Yikes! So, make sure that he drinks every drop, and after he is unconcious, you must stuff him into your trunk and drive to a selcuded place...I think that the zoo, is best. Now you need to await for him to awake at which point you must kiss him passionately. If he rejects you, the you shove his half drugged body into the tiger's watering hole. you see, it is a win-win situation for you!!!!!!

  2. Mariah!!! Holy crap!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
