Thursday, June 18, 2009

First week of Summer Session

My first week at the summer session has definetly been fun. I've met alot of new people and made alot of new friends. I enjoy all of my classes except for algebra 2 and act english and reading. I especially like podcasting and psychology.
When everyone arrived at the start of this week they all were very happy and excited, but now that its getting later in the week people have really came down. Its thursday and at this point we all are tired and crabby and getting tired of each other. I'd say that next week will probably be like this too. People will be happy on monday and angry by friday.
Alot of my friends have gotten really homesick, but I'm actually dreading going back home tommorrow. It really sucks. I'm gonna try to sleep through saturday and most of sunday so that way it'll go by quicker and I can come back here and be all happy again.
Upward Bound is an amazing program and everyone is always so nice. Unlike normal school, here everyone is really friendly and no matter who you are or what you look like everyone wants to be your friend. It's AWESOME!!!!
My greek team is Zeta Chi and its totally cool except for the fact that its led by Grace and she calls me satan. I definetly think we are totally gonna win that greek team trophy again this year.
My interest group is my favorite part of the whole summer program. I'm in the culinary arts group. Brian leads our group which is great(he gave me brewer bucks for making fun of Grace), and I'm in the cooking group(cooler) not the baking group. So we get to do two cooking nights, one is italian and the other is soul food. I'm so excited about doing the italian one because we're making chicken spiedeli, fettucini alfredo(we're making our own noodles and sauce), and we're doing a ceasar salad and making our own italian dressing. It's going to be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So upward bound is turning out amazing so far. I can not wait til the Philadelphia trip because Mary Jo and I are really wanting to go to Princeton while we're there. Princeton University is where I'm planning on going and its less than an hour away from where we'll be staying. So Mj and I brought up the idea to Brian and he said that if we make a proposal he would totally present it to Nancy! I'm so excited! Plus next summer I think I'm going to try to get into govener school and Brian said that since his wife works there and apparently is an important person he said that if I drop his name I can probably get in alot easier! It's so amazing! Upward Bound is turning out to be extremely beneficial to me. When I first joined the program I never imagined it would be so helpful, but now I would reccomend that anyone who is planning on attending college join upward bound.

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