Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keep it Up

I finally graduated last saturday It wasn't that great, especially when I lost a shoe walking in, but atleast I made it. Now I start college on Tuesday. I'm finally starting to get things together. I've even some better ideas of what I want to do with my life. Hopefully it will all work out.
Life at home still isn't that good, and it's kind of getting worse. I just don't know what to do anymore that won't make her angry. I guess just keep praying about it.
Unfortunately my main ways of dealing with stress are keeping it to myself and trying to forget, or sometimes venting a bit to a close friend. Next thursday my best friend is moving away. I don't know how to deal with that....It stinks when people leave, but I guess that's just part of growing up.
There's been a lot to think about lately: friends, family, college, stresses, especially certain stresses. I talk to God about it, and He helps. Sometimes it's nice to vent to another person and hear their advice.
Oh well, just keep praying and trust God to work things out.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dreams Do Come True

It's hard to believe that graduation is here already. It has been a long thirteen years. I am so excited and ready to start life. Tomorrow is the last full day of high school, but I have the feeling it is gonna be rough. It seems like I haven't accomplished much in my life so far, but when I think about it I really have. I've made it through school with good grades, been in great extracurricular programs, got in to great colleges, and had some fun. . . I will miss it though.
I have got some things figured out for the future: I am going to attend UT and then move to Hawaii.
There are still some things I'm not sure about: What to major in, what career to chose, what to do with my personal life, what to give up and what to keep....
In need of some guidance.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Figuring Out Me

Today has been a fairly productive day. I gave two weeks notice at my job, and I've been thinking about things a lot more than usual and have figured some out.
Lately I've been questioning what I thought I wanted. Something unexpected had come up which made me wonder if that wasn't the better option. It's been on my mind so much that I've been dreaming about it. I've just been really stressed out and confused anyways so this just added to it. So, I've really put some thought into it, and decided that what I chose to begin with is truly the best for me. That new thing was just a temporary distraction, and I'm looking for something more permanent.
This just seems so right the more I think about it.
There are so many more decisions I have to make, but I feel like this has been a big help.
Now my biggest stress is finding my calling. Everyone I know seems to have their dream life planned out: great career, great location, great family, everything. I feel like I'm falling behind. I've got it partly figured out, now I just need to figure out what I'm supposed to do....
I'm going to keep praying about it and trust that God will show me in time.