Monday, March 1, 2010


....hmm....Have you ever just sat and listened to a song. I mean like with no distractions and nothing else going on...just listened and thought. I haven't done that in a long time and today I have...Its made me think about a lot of things in my life. Don't laugh either because I know its cheesy but I'm listening to Secondhand Serenade. He's actually a lot better than one would think. His songs have actually hit a lot deeper than I could have ever thought...They make me think about all the things I wish I had , the things I wish I'd done, and the guy I wish I could find...You see, I've always dreamed of finding this perfectly amazing guy and never settling for anything less. It made me feel better and reassured me that I will when my friends didn't have anyone either, but now they've pretty much found those guys. It kind of sucks. Now I feel like even more of a loser/loner than ever.Yes I know it sounds dumb because I'm only 16 but it makes me a little sad . Sort of like we're at the prom and I'm the one left standing against the wall thats not good enough to be asked to dance and they're all out twirling around the floor with the guys of their dreams.....


  1. Aww, cheer up Candygirl! Not everyone is with the guy of their dreams. Tell you what, you can have the dance during this next song. I have had my whirl about the dance floor, and I think that I want to just lean against the wall and enjoy the view for a while.

  2. The twirling is exhausting. Trust me, it's not what you think it'll be like. I think I wanna sit out for a while.
