Thursday, January 14, 2010


...So...Idk wat to say...i haven't blogged on here in forever so now I don't really know what to write, London was awesome! and let me tell you a little fun fact- they do not breed 'em ugly in London! for real. there are absolutely no ugly guys. I mean zero ugly guys. I almost cried when we went in this burger place. woo! you should've seen the hot waiters there. The one that served us was the most gorgeous, and now I only wish I'd asked to take a picture with him. Now we'll prolly never see them again so...sad sad sad...I also met two guys at the New year's eve party! Bradley and Michael. Oh and Ariel met a guy too- Parker! But Bradley is the one I'm interested in and am still talking to. He lives in Cleveland Tennessee and is in the Walker Valley High School Band ( they marched in the parade too)! It was so much fun!! I don't know what happened but somehow in London I magically managed to get over the guy that I've been sort of obsessing over since sixth yay me! lol... It was really nice to be there and not here where theres all this stress and drama.
You know I've realized I don't even really care about the drama any more. Now it just makes me it does. cause it all just seems so pointless and pathetic
I don't really know who I like anymore. I mean as in guys....Bradley and I never seem to have anything to talk about even though we seem to have buttloads of stuff in common, and the one guy I've really liked since London is interested in someone else. Now I really begin to understand that Taylor Swift song. You know the one that says " You belong with me". That one. Cause that's how I feel right now.

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